Why did Devon leave Letterkenny?

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As you were enjoying Letterkenny, you most likely reached the 3rd season, understanding that Devon went away unexpectedly. A great deal of inquiries may have popped up in your head at that point. Where did he go? Did he simply get written off like that? Will he ever before return? His leaving … Read more

Why did Max leave Catfish?

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Fans of Catfish remained in for a fair bit of an unpleasant shock in 2018, when Nev Schulmans co-host, Joseph Max, determined to stop the show, after getting on it for a total amount of seven seasons. The good news is for them, the show took place but it still seemed like … Read more

Why are Samoans big?

American football

Rugby (union and organization) and also American football are HUGE in Samoa. Its not surprising that codes that need such brute force and players with a challenging existence are so popular in a country populated by people with huge body types. However simply why are Samoans big? The reason, it ends up, … Read more

Why are planets round?

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But just why are worlds round? Resolution 5A of the 26th General Assembly for the International Astronomical Union really defines earth by recommendation to its round form. According to Resolution 5A, a world is a celestial body that (a) remains in orbit around the sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity … Read more

Why is Cell So Tiny?

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Why is cell so tiny? To answer this question, consider what is the function of a cell. A cell is a complex unit of matter, and a small cell has many advantages. Large cells would require too much energy to function. The size of the cell also facilitates the movement of materials … Read more

Why Do We Have Fingernails?

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Why do we have fingernails? Our fingertips are made of keratin, the same protein found in hair, fur, and claws. Their wide, flat surface protects the tips from injury and provides rigid backing for small objects. In a long-gone evolutionary stage, fingernails probably helped humans catch body lice. They also helped us … Read more

Why Does Ice Float Instead of Sink?

Why Does Ice Float Instead of Sink? photo 0

Why does ice float rather than sink? The reason is simple: ice is a solid, which means it has a lower density than water. Because of this, ice floats on water. This phenomenon is called buoyancy and occurs because a solid’s weight exerts an equal amount of pressure on water and a … Read more

Why Does Bane Have to Wear a Mask?

Why Does Bane Have to Wear a Mask? image 0

In both the Batman movies and the comics, the villain Bane wears a mask. The mask serves two main purposes, namely to protect him from harm and to dispense a powerful, experimental chemical called Venom into his brain. It acts as a kind of super steroid and further enhances Bane’s already imposing … Read more

Why is the Ocean Salty?

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If you’ve ever wondered why the sea is so salty, you’re not alone. More than two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Of that, 97% of it is salty seawater. The remaining 3% is fresh water, which is trapped in glaciers and ice caps. Fresh water also contributes a great … Read more

The Best Answer to Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

The Best Answer to Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? photo 0

The classic “why did the chicken cross the road?” joke has been a favorite of kids since it first appeared in a New York City magazine in 1847. It was initially believed to be an anti-joke. Then, people started to create variations based on the basic joke. In the end, the best … Read more